Your Mobility Mate is here to help you find the best aids and equipment at the best prices.
Compare brands side by side is your free source for objective information on mobility equipment and aids from both local and international manufacturers.
When it comes to shopping around, the more shops you compare prices at the better! As a specialist price comparison service for mobility equipment, we cover more online retailers than any other service. This gives you more options to choose from and helps you to find the best deals.
You can literally save $1000’s on select mobility products by comparing prices online. That leaves more in your package or pocket to provide funding for other needs. Or, if you prefer, you can grab a few optional extras to enhance your purchase.
We are committed to empowering all Mobility equipment shoppers with information that will help you find the best products at the best prices.
Have you ever wanted to line up mobility scooters or electric wheelchairs against each other? Compare all the brands, models and specs side by side? Well now you can thanks to Mobility Mate.
To start with, you’ll find all the basics. But you’ll find a lot more in-depth information as well. In many instances, you’ll find better details than the shops themselves.